Minturno Articolo Tsunami Ready 2024 Quotidiano


This afternoon's meeting of the Tsunami Ready Local Committee of the municipality of Minturno, in the province of Latina, concluded. During the meeting, the local representatives, reviewed the twelve Program indicators, necessary to achieve UNESCO accreditation.

The National Board, in streaming connection from Rome, acknowledged the progress made by the municipality in recent months. Recently, a high-pressure acoustic warning system was implemented in Minturno to cover coastal areas at risk of tsunami. In addition, vertical signals and detailed information panels have been placed according to the Municipal Civil Protection Plan, highlighting inundation zones identified by ISPRA. The municipality also has an app to disseminate real-time alerts. As part of the planned activities, a field exercise was carried out during NEAMWave 2023 and the International Tsunami Risk Awareness Day (WTAD 2023), which involved the simulation of vertical evacuation of infants from a kindergarten located in the Red zone.

Once the indicators required by the Tsunami Ready Program are achieved and the approval of the National Committee (TRNB) is obtained, the local committee will submit the application to UNESCO.

Achieving this goal will make Minturno one of the first municipalities in the Mediterranean basin to be focused on tsunami awareness at all levels.