Turchia 25.07.23 travel time

Today, July 25th, 2023, at 05:44 UTC, a magnitude 5.6 earthquake was located in Turkey, at the geographic coordinates (lat, lon) 37.64N 36.07E, and hypocentral depth of about 9 km. The coordinates place the earthquake in the same area affected by the event on February 6th, 2023, with a magnitude of 7.9, identifying the current earthquake as an aftershock of the ongoing sequence that began in February 2023.

The earthquake magnitude and the hypocentral localization, according to the decisional matrix, activated the Tsunami Alert Center service that at 05:55 UTC sent an INFORMATION message to the Department of Civil Protection and to the Mediterranean countries that have subscribed to the services of CAT.

✉️ Information message