East Cape Station SeaLevel 04.03.21Segnale del mareografo di East Cape, NZ
Today, 4 March 2021, at 13:27 UTC (14:27 Italian time), an earthquake of magnitude Mwpd 7.3 was recorded in the South Pacific Ocean (Lat. -37.03 - 179.42 E) offshore East of the North Island of New Zealand, at a depth of about 14 km.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (external link) has issued a tsunami warning for expected sea level change of 0.3 - 1m in height for New Zealand, Australia, Cook Islands, New Caledonia and Tonga Islands.
The first alert message sent at 13:39, was followed by a tsunami confirmation message issued at 14:06 (see alert cycle).

The East Cape mareograph in New Zealand's North Island is recording sea level changes of about 50cm.

- - UPDATE at 17:12 hrs.

At 17:12 UTC (18:12 Italian time) the PTWC issued the alert closure message.