
26.11.20 Albania Mappa

Screenshot from 2020 02 21 16 27 39The figure shows the isochrones (lines that theoretically connect all the points reached by the tsunami wave in a given time interval from the origin and measured on the forecast points represented by triangles that according to the color evoke the level of alert, in this case yellow in the Albanian coast and green where no tidal changes are expected) and alert levels for the event of Albania on 26 November 2019.

A magnitude Mw 6.5 earthquake was localized at 03:54:11 Italian time on November 26, 2019 on the North Albanian Coast (ALBANIA) , at about 22 km depth.

✉️ First alert message Advisory (English). 

✉️ Second message; revocation of Advisory alert (English).

In this specific case two alert messages have been sent (although it is an orange alert) due to the magnitude and the proximity of the epicenter from the coast have decreed the sending of an Advisory message (see decision matrix) but, since no anomaly signals have been received from the mareographs, the alert has been revoked.

Despite the distance, the earthquake had a magnitude such as to be felt also in most of the South of Italy and on the Adriatic coast, specifically in Puglia, Molise, Basilicata as demonstrated by the questionnaires completed so far on (in IT)